
This section is going to be an area for discussion not only Ron's Compositions but also that of the process of scoring to picture and other related topics.

The Seven Steps of Scoring: A Way to More Effective Scores

After decades of scoring literally thousands of cues it occurred to me that there is a process. In other words it is not just starting in on the music and working until you are done. In film scoring the composers job is too create music that helps the Film express it's story. So as in anything the more information you have the easier it will be to hit that target. I present this systematic approach as a way to help composers gather all the important information so that the end result yields the most informed score possible.

I offer the various tasks towards creating your score by breaking the big task into smaller steps. If you reverse engineer the results of the greatest film composers one would have to include these steps. Of course many of the greatest film composers are extremely gifted and think on a very high, genius level. For the rest of us humans we can raise our game many levels by taking it a step at a time. As you start to follow the steps, the process becomes natural and easy.

Check out the PDF and the short movie on The Seven Steps of Scoring. I hope it is a help to you in your creative efforts and opens the door to a higher level of film scoring. Try it - you'll like it.

As an extra bonus, watch a video of the recording of a cue from the hit FOX television show, "Family Guy", recorded at the Newman Scoring Stage at 20th Century Fox.

Ron Jones